Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired

Well, started my 2nd dose of antibiotics today..feeling a little better than what I did yesterday.

For those of you who aren't up to date..I ended up going to Urgent Care yesterday afternoon, cause I wasn't feeling very well at all...the previous two days I was feeling very sluggish and had a real scratchy, dry throat , then it turned into coughing and then stuffy and congested, feeling like it was draining on my chest ..feeling like maybe I was getting bronchitis too on top of what I knew was a sinus infection, I get these mostly every year , cause I suffer with bad allergies and I can pretty much diagnose myself anymore , since I get it at least once a year...but I didn't think that I was going to have strep throat on top of all that..never had strep before. So, that's what Urgent Care diagnosed me with...Sinusitis and Strep ....lucky me!...lol..Not!! :P So , they send me home with antibiotics, albuterol & flonaisse and plenty of rest! ...which is hard to do when today was also a Snow/Ice Day for my boys...school was closed to do Icy Conditions this morning and they say more on the way tonight and tomorrow. No rest for me!...lol...Blaaah! :P

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